
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Hydrogen Fuel or Others Essay -- Hybrid Cars Automobiles Essays

total heat burn down or Others It is stated in the article Benefits of a Hydrogen economy in Hydrogen Future that if we use heat content as an button source in the U.S.A, it could help address concerns about energy security, globular climate change, and air quality. Hydrogen fuel cells appear to be an cardinal important enabling technology for increasing energy savings and trim global climate change however, I suggest that much more research is needed before the nation becomes absorbed in evolution the hydrogen economy. In addition to the hydrogen fuel cells, the nation should lapse to investigate other technologies such as new generation diesel, hybrids and solar cells. At present these technologies have come to maturity to some degree. I believe that now it is time to consider the fusion of these technologies. It is stated in the article Benefits of a Hydrogen providence that, if we use hydrogen in very high efficiency fuel cells for our transportation and to r iposte power, we could significantly reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. But the article lane to Hydrogen Cars May Not Be So Clean claims that, level(p) though hydrogen could be generated via electrolysis without producing GHG, the reality is that oil companies plan to generate hydrogen from methane. And the most famous GHG, carbon dioxide, could be generated as a byproduct of the methane treatment process. Furthermore, according to the article Fueling the future Hydrogen Fuel Cells-, electricity can be used to split urine into its hydrogen and oxygen constituents however, it takes far more electricity to make the hydrogen than the amount of electricity which hydrogen can generate in a fuel cell. To make matters worse, it might take a lot of electricity ... ... cells. Indeed, now it is time to consider seriously the fusion of these technologies. Works CitedDavidson, Keay. itinerary to Hydrogen Cars May Not be So Clean SFGate.com. 20 December 2002 http//www.sfgate.com/ cgi-bin/article.cgifile=/c/a/2004/12/20/HCAR.TMP& figure=printable Patterson, Tim. Climate Change. EnviroTruth.org. 10 April 2002. http//www.envirotruth.org/climete_change_debate.cfm D.S. Department of Energy. Benefits of a Hydrogen Economy 1 July 2004 http//www.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/future/benefits.htmlFueling the Future ConsumerReport.com. October 2004 http//search.epnet.com.prxy4.ursus.maine.edu/login.aspx?direct= current&db=aph&an=14376885 Why the Future is Hybrid Economist. 4 December 2004 http//search.epnet.com.prxy4.ursus.maine.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&an=15263157

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