
Sunday, February 10, 2019

I Will Become a Physician Essays -- Medicine College Admissions Essays

I Will Become a Physician. With the ever-changing field of medication, numerous people wonder what medicine will be like in the future. For example, will we still have to live in fear of assure an incurable and deadly disease, like AIDS? Or will medicine in the future have the capability of handling such threats to our lives? answer these questions and having the proper education and training to help prevent such threats has been my major(ip) intake. I feel that I can best fulfill this ambition by becoming a physician. I neer really eyeshot of going to college until the tenth grade. Just like my father, I had always view I would be a mechanic and own my own shop class because I enjoyed the challenges that arose while diagnosing different problems in cars. It wasnt until I was at my doctors office that I realized the similarities between the work of physicians and mechanics. Both shoot one to diagnose and solve problems. That was when I became interested in medicine. As t ime went by, I started to develop a fascination with the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of the human body. Furthermore, I was amazed with how physicians were able to use medication to alleviate pain and regain individuals. Consequently, these attractions to the workings of the human body and the physicians job led me to pursue a career in medicine. During my first semester at the University of Arizona, my ... ...ollege. Luckily, I have a family that has supported and encouraged my success in college. I have in any case been fortunate enough to have made it this far on my lane to medical school with the help of my pre-medical advisor, pre-medical programs (MMEP), and my mentor. I know that with their continued support, I will be able to successfully complete the curriculum indispensable to become a physician. I know, however, that the road to a medical dot will be hard and long, but I will never give up my dreams of becoming a physician. I am indomitable to help fight the war against those life threatening diseases like AIDS, and by becoming a physician, I can be on that modified team that will make a difference in a patients life.

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